Thinking in past tense

Thinking in past tense

As I put life in perspective and my career on the right path, I randomly go through my archives for creativity and inspiration.  I came across an image from Tokyo taken in 2008.  Wanderlust in Tokyo overwhelms me.  Tokyo’s facade of neon noise easily cracks open allowing the curious to see Tokyoites grasping on to ancient beliefs.  Whether its for show or true understanding is not for me to say.  But Tokyo’s religion of consumerism reigns true.

This shot, taken right outside of Shinjuku St., if I recall, had a troupe of musicians playing flutes and banging tin drums for some reason or another.  I wasn’t sure but it wasn’t religious.  But this guy in a worn rice paddy had sat smoking a hand rolled cigar.  I don’t know what he was doing, why he was there or why I was there.  Wanderlust, a lack of language, and naivety can lead to some interesting images.