Oh how tide does change.  I never would have figured my hometown newspaper would call me to do a freelance gig for them.  Out of the blue (brah!) Kevin from the San Antonio Express News calls me  inquiring on my availability for a quick job the next day.  His southern drawl caught me off guard warming me with memories of family, BBQ, and those spring days only found in San Antonio.  I quickly jumped at the job and proceeded to tell him of my sorted past with the SAEN and my time shooting for their community newspapers.  Sadly, he said, The Sun is no more.

I wrote a while back about my humble beginnings and shooting for the community newspaper ($25 per assignment!) so to get a job from the actual newspaper took me back to my days of desire…days of longing for a staff job at the only reality I knew at that time.  In little ol’ San Antone!  Leaving to NYC was a distant dream and to think I’d end up in Honolulu was unheard of!  I mean only Magnum, Danno and surfers lived in Hawaii, not me.

Kevin and I had a few chuckles as I told him I’d been sitting by the phone for the last 20 years waiting for the Express to finally call.

The job was to cover the change of command ceremony at one of the military base’s where San Antonio native U.S. Coast Guard Rear Admiral Jim Rendon would take over the top position here in Hawaii.  The story can be seen here.  The ceremony was the usual ho hum of long speeches, a little pomp and some circumstance all topped off with a brass band playing all the old favorites!  At the end I grabbed Adm. Rendon, his wife and his parents and posed them for a really informal picture for the paper.  After a few snapped, I told they they were all in Hawaii and I needed to see some “shakas.”  Sure enough….

and the smiles they produce!

At the end I told the Rendon’s there isn’t much Mexican food on Hawaii but she countered it would all be made in her kitchen.  Sadly as the job was over and I drove away, I realized I should have given her my number.   Ah the missed opportunities of home cooking!