DAMN IT ALL TO HELL!!! I ate it!!!

DAMN IT ALL TO HELL!!!   I ate it!!!

So its done.  Three years.  Bone dried.


I ate it.  Three year old.  A three year old McDonald’s Chicken McNugget.

Tasted like wood yet it tasted like nothing.

Really…it was fibrous, odd texture, and tasted like I was eating a piece of…well…wood.  Really.


Oddly the next morning, I have remorse.  Charleston Heston remorse.  Not for eating it.  But the fact that the story is over.

And to no real conclusion.  I mean, as some friends pointed out, I’ve put worse down the pipe.  Scorpion, worms, dog, canned ravioli, etc…I mean what was the big deal.  I’ve eaten meals from dubious origins.  Who hasn’t?  Hell, ever had one plate lunch?  Ever eaten spam?  Ho…!

Really…its been had.

Whats to say about McDonald’s and food that’s edible three years down the road?  Well, maybe we should watch what we eat.  Better yet, when we eat it.

 So here’s the original post.

you know what?  I’m going to McDonald’s this morning.  Nothing like grease and fat to start the day right.  I think I’m gonna bring home a new blog piece.


Shoots….is that a pimple?  What am I a teen again?