Lining up just right.

Lining up just right.

In the last few weeks, my cameras have covered everything from hydrogen cars, tennis action, a financial planner at the beach on the Big Island, whale researchers on a boat in Maui, and a party at Chai’s Bistro.  I’m still patiently waiting for the sun to appear as I have another job in which I need to shoot a house and attempt to have some blue skies in the shot.  My head is still spinning with all the variety of images that were flowing out of my computer.  Of course, I can’t publish and of the images I’ve shot (except for some tennis) as a majority of is for future publication.

Oh and I also shot makeovers given at a big name make up shop.

One of the more interesting shots I made last week was of a tennis player at UH serving.  Jamm Aquino told me of the spot to spot a certain type of shot and I did so.  Clean shots and background (dare I say ground) made this a cool moment.

Its not often I shoot sports.  The time, effort, and hassle is sometimes too much to bear for my impatient self.  I really loved it in college as I shot loads of UT football, basketball, swimming, and the likes.  It was great fun.  Now…eh.

But those times when everything just lines up perfectly, a good shot is worth that small paycheck at the end of the day.