Out like a Baghdad night…

Out like a Baghdad night...

I’ve never been to Baghdad.  I’ve never been to a war zone.

I cant’ really say…but the cracks and booms out in the distance (and some very close by) make me feel I’m not too far away from one.

Honolulu suffers from legal and mostly illegal fireworks on NYE.  Windows rattle, car alarms are endless, and haze binds the night sky.

Ah…the end of the year.

Each New Years, I’ve put out a best of what has made the year my year.  Well…I don’t know.  I didn’t go under.  I didn’t go broke.  I shot.  I purchased gear.  I paid the mortgage.  I paid off debt.  I got into debt.  I paid that off and yet, I got more debt.  I got a great desk.  I got long hair (again.) I got strong. I got weak.  I lost weight then found it again.  I shot a few covers.  I shot a bit of nothing.  I came and I went.

What more is there?

Well there are a few images…loads more but its late.  Here are a few…

Its a coffee ad

A walk on the beach

99 luftballons…

A silent smile


the best one of all!

Please note…I hadn’t opened that bottle.  I tried with my teeth but no no avail.

A famous camera

A famous camera

I sadly have decided to part with my work horse Canon 1D Mark II as technology has moved quickly and need the larger, faster, and overall better Mark IV model.  I placed the add on craigslist the other night and yet to have anyone with any real interest make an offer. I did get the ridiculously fictitious email from some kid in a third world internet cafe asking me if I’d sell my item (they got no clue what I’m selling) to them at a higher price and if I would ship it to their cousin who is attending Oxford.  Uh huh…ok.

Funny enough, I spied myself on TV the other night during a news spot on a Japanese real estate developer here in Honolulu filmed about three years ago in Kahala.  I was taking pictures with that trusty camera I’m hoping to sell.

The photos were shot for the Associated Press and they went around the nation.  The New York Times ran the story on their metro section.  That was a big story because this rich Japanese guy was going to let several homeless people of Hawaiian decent live in his multimillion dollar mansions in one of the riches parts of Honolulu.  Needless to say he wasn’t too popular with the neighbors.

You can see the story here from the Times.

A bit of reminiscing about days past and time with that camera.  It got me through a big portion of my growing career.  How that camera got me through tough times and the easy days indeed. The camera has taken pictures of just about anything you can imagine. It has photographed Tiger Woods, Dwane “Dog” the Bounty Hunter, Felicity Huffman, actors on Lost, University of Hawaii football, Kobe Bryant and Michelle Wie. Its shot food, beaches, and girls. Its done everything.

One of the more pungent moments was the depression of Banda Aceh.

The shot above is of a group of Rescue workers organized in Mexico called TOPOS.  I met and followed the group around Banda Aceh as they pulled bodies from the remains of that destroyed city.  It poured like only a tropical city can at that decisive moment when they carried a body out of a decimated building.  The camera rattled away.  What a moment.  What a time.  It was really my loss of innocence at that point.  More on the tsunami in the future.

As I researched through my photos for this blog I came across this photo of myself from 2005 while I stood in the mess of Banda Aceh’s destruction…my trusty camera at my side.

Why part with it?  Well…its just a tool. Its really how you use it.  Cliche, yes but absolutely true.  I’ve gone through so many cameras in my relatively short professional career.  Yet to depart with this one is like parting with the memories of said picture of me.
Eh…its just a camera.

You wanna buy it?  Its a bit famous.

Here is the ad on craigslist.org



Blurred images of kimonoed women, alabaster faces, geta shoes clacking down cobblestoned streets.  Red stained lips.  Paper umbrella.  Eyes downcast.  A hint of an ancient past.  A unknown future.

Geishas…also called Geikos in Kyoto are one of Japan’s most iconic symbols.  Once though of as prostitutes in Western minds, a geisha is a highly trained entertainer who sells her craft, often at high prices, to entertainment establishments via her geisha house, or okiya.  During their performances, geishas, or maikos (who are often younger women who are still training) sing, dance, and play traditional Japanese songs using traditional string instruments.  Geishas and maikos also sit with clients helping pour drinks and coyly flirt with customers.

I had a unique opportunity to spend time with a maiko in Kyoto and photograph preparing herself with makeup and getting dressed.  I was helped by the Chika Yoshida at the Kyoto Tourism Federation.  The Federation and Yoshida-san helped me accomplish most of what I set out to do in Kyoto and I owe them a great deal of appreciation for all of her hard work.

Picture courtesy from Chika Yoshida.

I will post more images from my shoot in the future.  The first image is actually from a past shoot but I am still editing my current work.