wain wumbling reather!

wain wumbling reather!

Around 9pm or so last night, lighting flashed across the sky like an AC/DC song.  A few seconds later, a low in the distance rumble rattled the windows.  It really felt like a bomb.  BOOM.  I saw my lanai windows shake and rattle.  It was awesome.  I figured I’d pull the camera out and snap a few images.

I had a hard time with the lighting as it seemed the storm was actually right above our building or rather, just close enough but not in my camera view.  I can’t go out to the street because there are way too many high rises around me and a late night trip up to Tantalus for a view risks myself and cameras being subjected to a tax by the locals in the name of reparations.  Besides, it was raining.  So, with my limited views, I set up my camera and walked away.  I set up in a few locations in our condo finding the lanai shot was the most graphic and luckily I got a strike.

By far, my favorite shot was from last night through a closed window in the bedroom.  The rain was pouring through so I shut the window but as I did, my camera fired off a frame and I caught the rain drops and purpled lighting sky.  I like this shot.  It doesn’t have a strike but for me, it has all the elements of living in a Honolulu tower at night…during a storm.

NOTE:  I am no longer going to allow discussions or comments on my blog.  In the last year, I’ve gotten over three thousand spam emails offering me everything from viagra, porn, gambling, and dating a nice girl from China.  Its too much to bear, rather wade through just to see what you got to say.  From now on, keep it to yourself.