Out like a Baghdad night…

Out like a Baghdad night...

I’ve never been to Baghdad.  I’ve never been to a war zone.

I cant’ really say…but the cracks and booms out in the distance (and some very close by) make me feel I’m not too far away from one.

Honolulu suffers from legal and mostly illegal fireworks on NYE.  Windows rattle, car alarms are endless, and haze binds the night sky.

Ah…the end of the year.

Each New Years, I’ve put out a best of what has made the year my year.  Well…I don’t know.  I didn’t go under.  I didn’t go broke.  I shot.  I purchased gear.  I paid the mortgage.  I paid off debt.  I got into debt.  I paid that off and yet, I got more debt.  I got a great desk.  I got long hair (again.) I got strong. I got weak.  I lost weight then found it again.  I shot a few covers.  I shot a bit of nothing.  I came and I went.

What more is there?

Well there are a few images…loads more but its late.  Here are a few…

Its a coffee ad

A walk on the beach

99 luftballons…

A silent smile


the best one of all!

Please note…I hadn’t opened that bottle.  I tried with my teeth but no no avail.