
I had a scolding the other day from a regular reader of my blog stating I don’t blog enough. SOOOO…I need to start to update on a regular basis.

Here is a pix that caught my fancy:

While visiting the Dole Pineapple plantation on the North Shore, I found this young tourist from Japan screaming and pouting for her Mom to continue to take photos of her at the pineapple cutout. As I walked over I noticed she was sticking her head into the pineapple cutout and had a few photos snapped away. After the photos were taken, the little girl demanded that more photos be taken. When her snapper Mom decided not to take any more, the future model went into full pout and tantrum mode. Cutie then squatted down by the pineapple and refused to move or continue with the activities at the plantation.

I watcher her for a second or so until this moment appeared. She lost all interest with the pineapple when her Mom said they were gonna ride the train through the pineapple fields. Attention spans are wonderful.


Mark Niesse, a local AP writer here in Hawaii, holds the record for the fastest time recorded at the Dole Plantation pineapple field maze. His time of 12 minutes was sadly broken a few weeks after he set the mark. Mark, who is known for never backing down from a challenge, went back and SHATTERED his record and the punk who pulled him down. He now holds the record and raised the bar to five minutes. I DARE YOU TO CHALLENGE THAT! FIVE MINUTES!

60 gigs and counting

I’m on the sixth day of the Japanese adventure and have over 60 gigs of images. I think it equals about 4800+ images I shot. I have two more days of shooting. I might run out of room on my hard drive and external as well. Thank goodness I can go buy one in Tokyo!

I also managed to fire off several quality rolls of film on the Leica. Excited to see that stuff.


Japanese industry dominates the global market and they tiny island nation is credited for making and/or improving TVs, cameras, computers, and all things electronic as well as cars and so many things its almost hard to fanthom.

Nintendo, Sony, Honda, Toyota, Nikon, Canon, and Panasonic are just a few of their corporations that rule the world.
