Don’t ask me how this happened cause I don’t really know. We found a chicken McNugget hiding behind the flatscreen in the living room this afternoon. I don’t remember bringing home McDonalds since like March, if not early April if I really stretch it. But McDonald’s rarely finds it’s way into casa Garcia/Asamura as McDonalds is fairly unhealthy…I did see Supersize Me.
I can’t help but to think about my childhood and Ma (Mommy in those days…) would take me to get a Happy Meal and how I eventually graduated to a Quarter Pounder and then to the glorious Big Mac. I mean, heaven on earth…that McDonalds on Fredricksburg Rd in San Antonio. And oddly enough, we had our resident nut who would always be at the restaurant, drinking coffee and talking to himself, bearded and all. These days, a nut with a beard drinking coffee at McDonalds would probably get a free ride to Cuba but those days were back when Star Wars was first released.
Yet as stated, McDonalds was still great. The Burger War had not started and the best burgers in town could still be found at the yellow arches. Now, McDonalds is nothing but drunk food, or at worse, a meal on the cheap. Did anyone say recession? It was good, somewhat healthy (not that tortilas and salsa are any better) and inexpensive. McDonalds as a corporation probably wasn’t pumping nasty things into our food just yet…well…I didn’t know as I was a kid and it all tasted WONDERFUL.
Back to my dilemma…

We moved a few things around and lo and behold a single little McNugget was hiding behind the tv. I don’t really know how he got there. There are only six/nine nuggets in a batch so either we didn’t notice his escape or G-D just so happened to allow this bugger to escape and avoid a beer sodded belly…well the beer sod might be part of how we, rather I, didn’t know a prisoner escaped his cell.
Either way, a little McNugget was found. Oddly enough, the specimen was found in absolutely great shape. Roughly a month has gone by and the sucker was found almost edible.

Now this scares me. He, aside from looking slightly shriveled, he (he could be a she, I don’t know…) looked absolutely edible. Aside from a bit of an oily feel, it seemed as if he has just escaped, his little six man prison and hid out for a month behind the Samsung.
Now…something is not right when food doesn’t rot/decay. I can’t leave a papaya or pineapple on the counter for a week without it attracting every little fruit fly in Hawaii. Hawaii is slightly humid and since its a tropical place, there are a number of gokiburi (cucarachas) having a go at anything edible left out. But nothing…no roaches were scene scampering around the carpet to get at Ronald’s delectable little morsel.
Scary. How the hell does something like this not rot? Oil content, preservatives, black magic? What? I put the little bugger in a zip lock and am going to keep it for some time to see if it develops fugus or whatnot.
Could it be that those McNuggets are so unhealthy, they are not rotting thus not digesting in our intestines? Are they full of things that are not at all good for us? Like I said, I saw Supersize Me but I still tango with Ronaldo every so often only because Ronaldinho is cheap. Dirty cheap…for two bucks I can get a McDouble with McFries. But is that two bucks going to be the end of me? Are those preservatives keeping that little McPhantom alive killing me?
Something is not right at the McCasa if their McNugget didn’t rot.
Will post on this in the future.