Tokyo Sunset

After a long day of travel, taxi, airplane, bus, and subway…I made it to Tokyo and I got to enjoy a non-Hawaiian sunset. Actually, its nice to see an urban, smoggy, vague sunset over the sublime sunsets off the beach. Don’t get me wrong, sublime is nice…but its nice to have reference points.

So for an hours worth of shooting…

Beach shooting

Garry Winogrand had New York. Cartier Bresson had Paris. I have Waikiki Beach.

I ran down to Waikiki even though it was raining. I figured I would see something interesting. Sure enough, I stumbled upon a view.

I am not sure what captivates me with this image. Is it the disconnection? The emptiness between these two. Her rain poncho? His attention to the waves? They didn’t seem related nor were they too happy. Rain has covered Hawaii for several days.

My psyche shot this picture. Not me. I don’t remember it. It just happens sometimes. A reaction…I pull the camera to my eye and fire a burst or two. I can’t explain it. I guess its like being someone else.

Its probably nothing. Just lighting.