You know…I always have fun in Japan. Somewhere somehow someone is doing something strange. Its not strange just to Western people, its just strange. For instance, I remember a while ago this older lady…maybe she was in her 40s…not old by any means, was dressed a bit too young. She wore clothing more suited for a teen or young hip thing in Harajuku. Tights, short skirt, black top, gaudy jewelery, high heels, a hip little hat and the likes and she was listening to an Ipod or Imusic whatever and every the music would hit a cresendo, she’d bust a move! I mean “…let your body moooove to the music…hey, hey, hey…come on Vogue…” Total Madonna. We had just arrived in Tokyo and were riding the train into town and I couldn’t unpack a camera fast enough to capture her. I thought maybe she was a dance instructor as she was actually dancing. Why do I remember and telling you this story? Because she was really kicking it! I mean it was like I was watching a show. I don’t think the modern reader would relate to this chic vogueing but thats what she was doing. Snapping her fingers and the whole bit. A dance show right in front of me…however, it was tame for most western viewers. I mean you’d probably not be too impressed to see this if you’ve lived in New York or other crazy cities where this would be the norm.
But this is Japan! I mean people don’t fall too far from the flock. No one looked at her. No one noticed her. No one said a thing. It was as if she didn’t exist or people just didn’t want to get involved. Everyone ignores everyone else. On the train, everyone is face down playing on their, pardon my bad words, their effing cell phone. ALL THESE PEOPLE WON’T LOOK YOU IN THE EYES AS THEY ARE TOO DAMN BUSY TEXTING ON THEIR PHONES!!!
sorry…i lost it for a second.
There are just too many people in Japan hence people, although they tend to act like each other, will completely ignore someone who is making waves in the ocean. And with the amount of people packed in Tokyo, it surely is an ocean of peoples.
Today was a special day. I was riding a train to know where when this moderately attractive girl (fashionable, tall, thin, whatever) gets on and sits across the car from me. I didn’t really notice her as many Japanese girls dress fashionably strong and as anything, they really don’t stand out too much. Anyway as the train ride goes on, I look up from my trains slumber and notice she’s digging through her big purse. I perk up and watch and to my amazement…she pulls out a razor and mirror and BEGINS TO SHAVE HER FACE! I MEAN SHE IS SHAVING THE HAIR OFF HER FACE!!!
Wait…is this she a he? Well, maybe so. No one seemed to notice except for the business suited guy across from me noticed I started taking pictures with my point and shoot. I think he then looked across the train and noticed the tranny (I still don’t know) shaving her face. He kinda smiled at my disbelief or maybe he was smiling at his own. He never made eye contact with me as he pulled out his cell phone, and well, you know…
The woman sitting next to Gillette her noticed the shaving but politely ignored it. I think she was annoyed but didn’t say anything. Would a New Yorker have? I don’t know. Either way she/he was shaving her face.
Whether its a girl or not (check out the legs!) she was still shaving her face. I know many women are blessed with hair they don’t necessarily want. But I think most would at least have the care to shed the hair off their chinny chin chins in public. Well, I can’t answer for this person but I was still amazed.
I can’t say this is the most amazing thing I’ve seen in Japan but it ranks up there with Japanese acting odd in public. There was a grass eater boy on the train a few stops ahead back and I thought it was a girl (he was dressed in layers and looked like a girl in fashion heat) but the veins on his arms gave him away. So I thought maybe Gillette was a boy but I still don’t know. I didn’t see an Adam’s apple and she did see soft like a woman. I must admit sweety was cute enough to be a girl but life only knows. Maybe next time, I’ll be lucky enough to sit closer to her.
Maybe dude looked like a lady but then again I’m dating myself.
When all else fails and you long to be
Something better than you are today
I know a place where you can get away
It’s called a dance floor, and here’s what it’s for, so…