Yes, yes…hairy leg…blah blah…

BUT this is what you get when you slip on the rocks at the beach…while holding a camera…

the camera is fine.

I have raspberries on my leg, arm, and shoulder (left side) and all my camera got was a dusting of sand…well, I hope. I haven’t developed the film nor have a I checked the focus but I didn’t hear the sickening sound of metal hitting rock. I heard and felt the scrape of flesh hitting rock and coral though. Yukako was shocked as she said my only goal as I plunged to earth was to keep the camera from taking a dive. Body and bone…well…they heal. Glass and metal do not.

This is a testimony to the strength of a camera…well…

well…maybe its the handler who has it all.

2 thoughts on “OUCH!”

  1. Dear Marco,
    I strongly suggest shaving that part of your leg, applying liquid bandaid. It will sting and you might say some bad words. It is okay. It will take out the pain and you will heal so much faster. Also before you apply liquid bandaid, I would ice it for a little while.
    Feel better.

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