McContinue Pt II


I watched Monday’s edition of Democracy Now on Olelo Ch 54 and the entire episode was dedicated to the food industry and how, funny, “Bacon as a weapon of Mass Destruction.”

No, not bacon… but all bacon consists of is fat, salt and sugar. Kinda sounds like what all fast food is, no? Actually sounds like what all food we eat consist of…

So the program discusses how the food industry is processing food and we are getting fatter and so forth.

You can listen to the Democracy Now podcast off of Itunes for free or go to their website at

The show is linked here.

What struck me is their description of McDonald’s Chicken McNuggets (yes! our preserved friend!) as…

highly addictive product, pumped full of all sorts of flavorings and chemicals that you would then dip in this fat- and sugar-, salt-laden sauce. And on average, a Chicken McNugget has twice as much fat as a McDonald’s hamburger.

Ouch. And they don’t begin to discuss the preservatives that keep our little friend alive.

After toss and turn night of deep thoughts of MrMcfriend, I couldn’t help but wonder what I am going to have in that zip lock a year from now. Two years…might I have a heirloom to pass on to my grandchildren? Might future explorers find McNuggets buried in archeological sites?

People will dig up old New York and find undigested McNuggets in the skeletal remains of someone in Harlem?

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