
Its already August…the McNugget is still going strong. To recap, I found this escapee behind the flatscreen in May and it was from a batch of McNuggets I brought home one evening after a fun night of carousing around town.

Read my last few post to get more of the info on how he (maybe she) escaped. I took a look at the zip lock where I placed it and still no change. I decided to get radical with it. I took it out and gave it a good squeeze. The outer crust began to crumble…quiet nicely, as if it was still fresh. The cooking oil oozed onto my fingers coating them waxily (is that a word?) and I had to wipe my hands.

So after a few squeezes, I decided to dissect the bugger and tried to snap it in half. I figured it would go as the crust was cracking and crumbling but it wouldn’t break. I had to get a pair of scissors and actually cut it in half, with lots of force. I mean I really had to squeeze those scissors to make that Mcdud snap in half. Now I got a McTwo.

The mystery chicken meat seems dark and greasy. Bits of fat glisten and from the looks of it, still seems edible. It did not give any distinct odor other than a lightly stale smell from being in a zip lock since May but that’s it. No obvious fungus or any type of organic material has formed either.

Now this is whats bothering me. After a week, bananas bruise and begin to rot. I’ve found tomatoes in the bottom of the crisper that have rotten through and through. I’ve had milk convert to yogurt and papayas brewing themselves into alcohol. But McNothing on the McNugget. The McNugget is not growing fungus or mold. This is really odd and to think we eat this stuff…its really scary. Might this not digest in our belly?

A quick search online lead me to a few sources on what McNuggets really are…whether this stuff is true or not I don’t know. I am just quickly noting a few things…

This one article noted McNuggets are actually 56% corn…which does make sense in a way as the nugget is coated in batter. It also notes the meat is pulverized chicken and all these other nasty bits of industrial might. What is odd is that this article note the McNugget does have traces of tertiary butyl hydroquinone (TBHQ) which is a petroleum product used for stabilizing various foods etc…”thus retarding development of rancidity…increasing shelf life.

Article can be found here…


Seems that preservative can be found in lots of other food products so its probably very difficult to stop ingesting this stuff. Could it be bad? Well, obesity increases around the world as globalization takes hold. People stop eating home grown stuff for packaged stuff. No one has time to sit down and cook any longer so we let big business feed us.

Does big business have our best interest in heart? Doubt it…just look at how long this McNugget has lasted.

Lets see what happens in a few more weeks now that I’ve McCut the McNugget.