second thoughts…

I’ve thought a bit more about my McPhantom…

We’ve all found that lost french fry underneath the front seat of our car or a Cheerio under the fridge, or a grape that slipped under the couch found weeks later only to be a metamorphosed raisin. Not everything decays like expired milk or raw meat that’s gone rancid in the fridge. I shouldn’t be so tough on that McNugget found on the carpet. Its just odd not to see any major change, no fungus, rot, or anything.

My father once told me of jungle lore that dead Vietnamese soldiers would rot quickly in the heat of the jungle while American dead would last a significantly longer time, almost as if the preservatives in our diets kept our bodies in tact longer. He also said the Viet Cong (VC) could smell the Americans approaching in the jungle.

Photo of Dad in Korea.

Back in those days, corporate food didn’t run rampant in the world as it does today.

The McNugget isn’t I guess its fair to say, real food. Its processed…not that processed food isn’t real, it just has enough chemicals and additives to keep it alive lots longer than say a banana, a bagel, or a raw piece of uncooked chicken. Spam keeps in cans for years as does Campbell’s soup and Heinz mayo.

I just wonder if our bodies can digest this stuff. Nature couldn’t take care of the McNugget on the carpet so I can’t help not to be concerned that our stomachs are up for the tasks.

I think I might go out and buy a McDouble with cheese and see how long it will keep.

Ideas, ideas….