IT’S ALIVE ! ! !

IT'S ALIVE ! ! !

Frankenstein:  Look! It’s moving. It’s alive. It’s alive… It’s alive, it’s moving, it’s alive, it’s alive, it’s alive, it’s alive, IT’S ALIVE!

Moritz:  Henry, it the name of GOD!

Frankenstein:  Oh, in the name of God!  Now I know what it feels like to be God!
Dramatic?  Indeed but I’ve done it.  I’ve reincarnated the McNugget.  After an overnight dip in a bath of tap water, a forgetful day in the fridge, the little bastard is back!

It smells like a cold, stale chicken McNugget, the same smell you would think it would have the next day after being in the ‘fridge.  The meat looks like it probably would for being in the state it is.

Now here comes the question?  Do I eat it?  It looks and smells slightly edible.  But mind you this is a THREE year old piece of so called food that sat behind the tv for a month then spent years in a ziplock back in my desk.  THREE YEARS?

Do I attempt?  Do I dare video tape me engaging in something unholy as this?  Might I find myself sick?

Hmmm…to ponder for a day.