Would Hamlet have gone to McDonald’s?

Would Hamlet have gone to McDonald's?

Alas, poor Chicken McNugget, I knew him, Horatio: a fellow
of limited taste, of most excellent fat and salt, he hath
borne on his back, that sweet and sour sauce a thousand times, and now, how
abhorred in my imagination it is!

Shakespeare?  No…of course not but a pun indeed.

Today I cleaned out an old box and found that little lost McNugget which you’ve read about over the years.

Here is the original post from the McFrankenstein post from 2009.  If you remember what made me write about a chicken McNugget is that I found this little bugger a month after I had had McDonald’s after a night of carousing with pals.  I recall coming home late and someone being pretty choleric and throwing a bag against the …. er… well … lets move on to the point of this post.

A month after I found this piece of so called food behind the TV, it was in pretty good condition all considering it survived in a tropical climate for a month.  I kept it and decided to write about its demise in decay but to our surprise, the little sucker never really did much.  It just puckered, hardened and petrified.

Not to dwell on suggestions that McDonald’s is not real food and a McNugget is nothing more than a combination of bi-products of semi digestible, well…you don’t really know what it is.  But Its now three years and the shriveled once chicken is someone still edible. I’m going to soak a piece of it in water for a few days to see if it hydrates.

Will I attempt to eat it?  Doubtful but I’ve eaten them before and to be honest, I don’t know if there would be a real difference between fresh and three year old vintage.