A quick read and then some!

A quick read and then some!

Sorry I’ve been away…shooting and editing several jobs and sorting through the thousands of images from Japan.  I found this one worthy of a quick, late night blog…

While on the train to Hiroshima one morning, I spied a commuter reading the sports pages of a local paper.  Yukako said the headlines were something like…”when I licked the ice cream stick, it melted…” referring to, well, eating ice cream naked in bed on the back of the sports pages.  Ah, Japan…what covers for news is much more exciting that what we have in the West, no?

Hey…I just noticed a phantom hand on her back.  HEY LEAVE HER ALONE!  THAT’S HER ICE CREAM STICK.

Anyway, a quick note on the bw file and camera used.  I shot loads with a new Panasonic  DMC-LX3 point-n-shoot camera.  It shoots raw files and does a fine job for what its meant to do.  Its crappy low light but does a great job in just about most other situations.  Has a Leica 35mm 2.0 lens and a cute little flash.  Does the trick in a pinch and even does video.  I did lots of stuff in Japan with this camera.  The bw file was a setting in the camera and it isn’t all that bad.  I would hope to one day have a point and shoot that can do really good low light stuff but thats a dream.

Kodak is actually reporting that film is making a comeback with the hip young kids these days.  Maybe I’ll go back to the trouble.  Haven’t shot film in a while.

Next post…Morimoto!