A quick one on “engrish…”

A quick one on

All the years I’ve come to Japan I can’t help but to marvel in their mistakes in English.  Don’t get me wrong, its not like I can read, write, or speak Japanese but English, well, its fairly universal.  Its the common currency among travelers.  I’m in Kyoto and I’ve met a Czech, a German, a couple from Spain, a guy from Korea, and a girl from France.  We could all speak English.  Basic, simple English.  Where is…What time is it…What is this…????  Simple.  The average Japanese can probably eat a few words of this and that but thats it. And when it comes to writing English…I mean…how can you get password wrong?

Sure…D is next to F but don’t you think someone would have noticed?  Passworf.  Unbelievable…

I got a picture in my archive from an elevator where they spelled Lobby…robby.  I always call Honolulu Honoruru but I’ve found Japanese can’t pronounce R as there is no one named Robert and instant noodles are not Larmen. Its Ramen!  ” Ho!  Lobert…rike eat ramen?”—Wait! Thats da kine Hawaiian!

I’ll catch some more pictures of bad engrish in a post in the future…

And the other thing about Black peoples…

This wouldn’t pass in America.  NO WAY.  They’d riot and smash the store but in Japan…HEY ITS HIP.

In Kobe I saw a guy with a ‘fro that would make any Black American ashamed.  It was perfect.  Even his tan was done to perfection.  I thought he was black.  I thought he could even be Japegro!  But no, he was a straight Japanese guy…a cool cat at that.  Maybe the brotha gots some bourbon.

If you want to hang with the cool peoples in Nara, Japan, you gots to go to Black Music and Bourbon.

I didn’t but sure wish I had.