Rainy day Hawaii

Once again, its rainy…cold and rainy. Yes yes I know you East Coasters laugh when I complain (moan) about my wet weather woes but its cold and wet! It is currently 71 degrees with a low of 66. Yes, this sounds like a great day in New York or LA in late winter/early spring but when you live in perfect temps most of the year round, you get thin skinned and thin blooded. I rarely wear long pants, long sleeves, or socks. Really, life has become slippers, shorts, and sunglasses…but not today…or rather this entire weekend…lost to the rains.

It rained really really hard last night and parts of the day. It didn’t wake me up but it surely did some damage. Flooding warnings chirped on late night tv and early this morning. I haven’t seen the news today but I know it rained loads.

We have a large bowl outside filled with sand and sea shells and odd bits found here and there. Lo to our surprise, this morning we found it filled like our own miniature ocean. The rains pour over the Pali mountains right behind us and showered our little bowl filling it half way. Our own little Pacific, a mini-sea sand and shells sans life. Yukako said we should get a gold fish.

Poor thing would die in a week.