Power, Justice, and eventual pardons…

The new penthouse…$7 million of course.

Justice was sort of done today…I guess not much more could be done. I mean if the money is gone or hidden who has the power to force anyone to admit it. We do have a constitution and it means loads, regardless if the current regime would like to erode it further.

Yet, most of the victims will not get their cash back and by anyone’s guess, ol’ Bernie will get out on a pardon and rush off to Israel to enjoy the dough. Cynical? Yes…as one would hope not but someone will pull strings to let this poor man who has suffered so much out on a pardon. Marc Rich got one…

Well…to start…might Madoff have funneled mafia (Russian, Israeli, etc…) funds through his scheme? Might he start to blab about who did and what happened? Who knows…I feel there are way too many things that will never be known, said or afraid to be said. This goes very deep.