Photoshoping reality

I love this photo set. I really do. Beverly is a great looking blonde with a great body. She claims she lost so many pounds on whatever diet this company is hawking. When I was a kid, and they’d (yes, they) would show some diet commercial on tv (it was always some buxom babe in a bikini climbing up the ladder of a pool) my Mom would ALWAYS comment those the skinny girls who claimed they were once fat were NEVER fat! The best ones were the fatty girls commercials they’d show on Univision. Those were great as the Mexican girl who weighed like 400 lbs now looked like Sofia Vergara.

Well…Sofia is actually Colombian and I think if I recall, shes wasn’t that skinny at times but whose complaining?

Ad execs could never sell a dime of a product if they used real people as models. We, the unwashed masses, are ugly. The models in the pix are good looking. A majority of people on tv, outside of Cops and reality tv are actual working models. Not all models are blessed like Giselle and co but are real people with extraordinary good looks; or, looks that define what a doctor, housewife, or football player looks like to the memory of the public. Think about it…there are all these war movies or tv dramas where you will see the same military officers or CIA guys as they are all casts as what Hollywood thinks these guys look like. And to the collective memory or belief of the public, those character models/actors are pretty good. What does George Clooney look like to you? How is he typecasted?

Damn–I already spun out of control with this blog…let me get back on track.

I doubt Beverly was ever a fatty. She is very attractive and I can’t believe she’d let herself get that fat. Photoshop is just amazing.

You can tell its not her body on the fat model just based on the lighting.

Back in the day…haha…I sound old, when airbrushing was king and photoshop was just just getting started in the photo world, Oprah, back in 1989 was featured on the cover of TV Guide…

…with her head on the body of another model…

Seems this photo of the model, Ann Margaret, was taken in like late 70s. According to the net, it was alleged that neither Oprah nor the model were aware of the head slicing. The public probably would never have guessed but who knew?